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This is a challenging and scary time for everyone. Here are some of our favorite Sacramento-area resources to help with Covid-19 related problems and needs. If we can help, please give us a call!
The City of Sacramento’s Youth Division — part of the Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment — has created new virtual resources and activities for Sacramento’s young people to provide support during the COVID-19 outbreak and stay-at-home orders:
“Make It Monday” — Staff will share arts and crafts ideas and activities for elementary and middle school-aged children.
“Teen Talk Tuesday” — Civic Engagement staff, Summer @ City Hall participants and Sacramento Youth Commissioners will engage youth through Zoom discussions, and fun opportunities using memes, challenges and trivia.
“Youth Workforce Development Wednesday” — Youth Workforce staff will cover work readiness topics and share job postings and program information.
“Technology Thursday” — Staff will offer STEM activities for elementary and middle school-aged children.
“Fun Fitness Friday” — Youth Sports staff will provide fun physical activities, fitness challenges and fitness and wellness resources.
Resources from Sacramento County Public Health
Sacramento County Public Health: Current updates and materials on COVID-19
Questions specific to COVID-19 may be directed to
Resources for Families, Parents & Caregivers
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services: Helping Children Cope
Sacramento County Office of Education: Taking Care of Children During COVID-19
Child Mind Institute: Supporting Families during COVID-19
Resource Guide for Families: Quality Matters Resource Guide - COVID-19
National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Children About COVID-19
NPR: Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Guide for Parents and Families
Postpartum Support International: Provides support for new mothers and their families. Call 1-800-944-4773 or Text 503-894-9453 if you have questions about mental health needs after having a baby or you need emotional support. Resources also include Online Support Groups and Resources for Dads.
Book to help children cope with and understand social distancing:
Angelina the cat stays home - read online
Angelina the cat stays home - print and fold bookNuevo libro para ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar y comprender el COVID-19
Angelina la gata se queda en casa - leer en linea
Angelina la gata se queda en casa - imprimir y doblar
General Relevant and Informative Resources
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services: “Mental Illness: It’s Not Always What You Think” Television Spot
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services: “Mental Illness: It’s Not Always What You Think” Radio Spot (English)
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services: “Mental Illness: It’s Not Always What You Think” Radio Spot (Spanish)
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services: Coping with Stress
Sacramento County Office of Education: Taking Care of Yourself During COVID-19
State of California: Resources for Emotional Support and Well-Being
State of California: California Surgeon General's Playbook: Stress Relief during COVID-19
State of California: California Surgeon General's Playbook: Stress Relief for Caregivers and Kids during COVID-19
CDC: Mental Health & Coping During COVID-19
CDC: Stigma and Resilience During COVID-19
CDC: Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
SAMHSA: COVID-19 Information and Resources
SAMHSA: Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
SAMHSA: Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health: Social Distancing
California Department of Public Health: Guidance Documents
California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance: COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented Californians
Muslim American Society - Social Services Foundation: COVID-19 Prevention Videos in Multiple Languages
Administration for Community Living: Adults with Disabilities and Seniors
California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 Prevention Resources in Multiple Languages
FDIC: IRS Economic Impact Payment Information
Mindfulness Resources:
General Mindfulness Resources
Mindfulness Meditation for Feeling Safe - Rick Hanson
5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation - Diana Winston
Weekly Meditations with Dr. Rick Hanson
UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Center Guided Meditations
Down Dog Yoga app - free through April 1st for public and through July 1st for educators and students
Online or Phone Supports
Mental Health Access: Call the Mental Health Access Team to request services and an over-the-phone assessment in order to be referred to an appropriate mental health service provider. This includes Mental Health Medi-Cal Service Providers and Prevention & Early Intervention and Mental Health Respite Service Providers.
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (24/7 for Mental Health Crisis Calls)
(916) 875-1055 or toll free (888) 881-4881
Fax (916) 875-1190Alcohol and Drug System of Care (Adult and Youth): We provide prevention and treatment services to individuals struggling with alcohol and/or drug abuse. Services include outpatient treatment, methadone treatment, day treatment, detoxification, residential services, and perinatal services. To qualify for services, clients can call for a preliminary assessment conducted by our Alcohol and Drug System of Care staff.
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (excluding county holidays)
(916) 874-9754 or toll free (888) 881-4881 (adults 18+ years)
(916) 875-0185 (youth less than 18 years)SAMHSA's Disaster Distress Line: Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
Suicide Prevention Services: Lifeline (24/7) Call 1-877-273-8255.
Teen Line: Call (310) 855-HOPE or (800) TLC-TEEN (nationwide toll-free) from 6 pm to 10 pm PST or Text "TEEN" to 839863 between 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PST to receive person teen-to-teen education and support.
Hope Cooperative Peer Support Call Center: Feeling anxious and need support? Hope Cooperative's Peer Navigators are available and ready to listen.
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm
(855) 502-3224The Source Support Line for Youth and Caregivers: Need someone to talk to about the current situation, stress, or anything else? Call or text 916-SUPPORT (916-787-7678) for 24/7 support.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Virtual Meeting Schedule
La Familia Counseling Center: Peer Support Line
Emotional Support and Wellness
Learn more at Community Connections in Times of Physical Separation.
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